How many platforms are there in Orai railway station?
Could you please clarify for me, how many different platforms are currently operational within the Orai railway station? I'm curious to know the exact number of platforms available for passengers to board and disembark trains at this station. Is there a specific number of platforms that cater to different train routes or do they all serve a similar purpose? It would be helpful to understand the layout and capacity of the station in terms of its platform infrastructure.

How many platforms are in Orai railway station?
Excuse me, I'm curious about the transportation options available at Orai railway station. Could you please tell me how many different platforms there are in total? This information would be really helpful for me to plan my journey and ensure a smooth transit experience.

What is the code of Orai railway station?
Could you please elaborate on the term "code of Orai railway station"? Typically, railway stations do not have a unique alphanumeric code associated with them that is universally recognized. However, if you're referring to a specific identifier used by a railway company or system, such as a station number or code for ticketing purposes, it would be helpful to specify the context. For instance, some railway systems assign unique station codes for internal use, such as for scheduling, ticketing, or communication. If this is the case, you may need to contact the relevant railway authority or company directly to obtain the specific code for Orai railway station. Could you please clarify what you mean by "code of Orai railway station" so that I can provide a more accurate description?